“M. G. Haynes’s extensive research provides a rare glimpse into the life of a common soldier faced with greed and struggling to survive. I highly recommend this book.”

- Military Writers Society of America

Q.Fulvius: Debt of Dishonor

(Release Date: December 15th, 2019)

My second full-length novel, and first real work in the historical fiction genre. This book follows the exploits of Fulvius, a thief, murderer, and all-around horrible human being, in Rome, 216 BC . Sentenced to death for his crimes, Fulvius is spared execution by the state following the military catastrophe at Cannae, and rushed into legionary ranks to prevent Hannibal’s army from sacking Rome itself. Training is hell, made worse because of his checkered past, but he manages to survive, his prize being the opportunity to join battle with the enemy. Frozen with fear in his first real engagement, Fulvius nonetheless finds himself unexpectedly elevated in both rank and position and schemes to make it all worthwhile. Sent north with a detachment of troops to protect the capital from aggressive Gallic tribes, opportunity presents itself and Fulvius hatches an elaborate plan. Yet despite his best efforts, all nearly comes to naught with the timely intervention of an aristocrat no less a predator than Fulvius himself. Treachery breeds betrayal, which in turn leads to ever greater violence in a vicious cycle that can only end with one of them dead. The question is, how many others will die in the process? Hannibal may be coming for Rome, but Fulvius might just be the greater threat!

Q.Fulvius: Debt of Dishonor is available in paperback and eBook versions at Amazon.com.